Haslington Primary Academy and Nursery is an inclusive school that aims to provide a caring, supportive and accessible environment in which all pupils are valued equally. Across all year groups, there is a wide range of strategies and resources that the staff can use to include children who have special needs or disabilities. These include provision for children with emotional, social and behavioural needs as well as academic. Nurturing is embedded throughout the school curriculum and where required, some pupils with high levels of needs may follow a more tailored and personalised curriculum based on their own individual needs.

Our SEND Team:

  • Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo): Miss L Hetherington
  • SEND Governor: Mrs P. Turner

Miss Hetherington is available to talk to you if you feel your child has any additional needs. Miss Hetherington will work with you, the class teacher and your child to ensure that their needs are met, so that each child is able to achieve their potential and experience success. Sometimes, where it is felt to be of benefit, the school will approach outside agencies for further advice and support. Our aim is to work co-operatively to benefit each child.


We offer a weekly drop-in for parents/carers/guardians to have a brief chat with our SENDCo, Miss Hetherington, every Thursday morning. Drop-ins take place in the IT Suite, via the main school entrance, between 8:45am – 9:15am. There is no appointment needed. This is an opportunity to discuss any additional needs that your child may have. If you would prefer a telephone call, from the SENDCo or your child’s class teacher, or require a longer meeting please contact the school office.

For queries relating to SEND, please contact:

For further information and SEN you may wish to go to the DfE website at:

Alternatively, you may wish to visit the Cheshire East Family Information Service at:

The link below provides useful information and advice on a range of subjects, including the 0-25 Local Offer for SEN and Disability.

The Cheshire East Toolkit provides detailed guidance on how educational settings can identify children and young people with different types and levels of need and information on appropriate steps and strategies to support them.

The CEIAS website is another valuable resource to look at. They offer free advice and support to parents/carers of children and young people with SEND: