These are our uniform guidelines for Haslington Primary Academy and Nursery however, this is not compulsory and uniform without logos can be worn.
Uniform can be ordered from Badged for by clicking here
Simply go to the website address, then select the items and quantities that you wish to order. Alternatively, you can call at the shop, where the staff will assist with your child trying on garments for accurate sizing.
Click here to find alternative polo shirts, trousers, sweatshirts and tracksuit bottoms/jogging bottoms without logos:
Our uniform is:
- Dark blue sweatshirt or cardigan (with or without logo)
- Grey (not black): trousers/shorts/culottes/skirts/pinafores
- White: polo shirts/shirts/blouses (with or without logo)
- Light Blue/white check dresses
- Grey socks/grey tights when wearing grey uniform
- White ankle/white knee length socks with ‘summer’ dresses
- Black school shoes (no trainers please)
All uniform can be worn throughout the year, so ‘Summer’ dresses can be worn throughout the year if so desired for example.
Children are to come to school in their PE kits on their PE day. The PE kit comprises of:
- A plain navy t-shirt (with or without the school badge)
- Plain black shorts/tracksuit bottoms
- A plain (no large logo) navy or black sweatshirt/jumper/school fleece/school jumper
- Trainers/pumps suitable for all weathers
All items of clothing should be clearly marked with your child’s name, preferably with iron-on or sewn-in name tags, as a marker pen will often fade with washing.
With the exception of a watch and one small pair of stud-type earrings only, the wearing of jewellery is not permitted in school. Stud earrings must be removed for all physical education/sport/dance activities/swimming.
We know that hair styles change from time to time; however, all girls and boys with long hair need to have it tied up/back to protect them and others from transferring head lice. Hairstyles such as long spiky hair, including extreme styles are not allowed and tramlines are discouraged.
Haslington has high standards of behaviour and expect the children to follow the school rules with wearing the correct uniform. This sets high standards for the school and also encourages the children to behave without competition and prejudice.
Pupil Premium
Haslington Primary Academy and Nursery, uses part of the Pupil Premium funding to provide a free piece of uniform (a sweatshirt or cardigan) to eligible pupils.
Parents/carers/guardians can check on their child’s eligibility for Pupil Premium funding by visiting the school website here. Once the school receives confirmation of a successful application, a free piece of uniform will be provided.
You can read more about applying for Free School Meals here:
Throughout the school year, there are opportunities for parents/carers/guardians to purchase pre-loved uniform which is in good condition. Please contact the school office for further information.