Our School Office is managed by Mr Simms along with our amazing administration assistants, Mrs Moseley and Miss Blackburn. They are happy to help with any queries you may have. They often deal with First Aid and give children any medication that they have been prescribed during the day.

Please note: All medication must be prescribed and written consent given by the parent or legal guardian before any medication can be administered – a form can be found here.

Office staff ensure that the correct information is distributed to parents and carers via our school messaging service – DOJO or written letter. If a child is absent from school and the school has not received a phone call regarding the child’s whereabouts, then the school will contact home to ensure that the child is safe following our Child Missing in Education Policy.

We strive to make our school the very best it can be and sometimes parents feel they need to speak to members of staff regarding concerns. Please contact the school office to make an appointment to speak to the class teacher. If you feel that your complaint has not been resolved, then you can make an appointment to speak to the Deputy Head or Principal.

If you are still not satisfied with the outcome of your query, you can make an appointment to see the Executive Headteacher for an informal discussion. If after the informal discussions, you are still concerned, then you can write a formal complaint on the sheet attached to the Complaints Policy. This will guide you through the process if you feel the need to make a formal complaint.

We pride ourselves on resolving issues through initial discussions with class teachers. Any problems or worries are soon sorted and by working in partnership, parents and children feel supported.

You will always be welcomed into a wonderful school; our door is always open to make appointments with teachers.

Reminders and further information will be provided through Facebook and DOJO.


Home School Agreement
School Prospectus