At Haslington Primary Academy and Nursery we regard maths as an essential tool for everyday life. Every child has a daily maths lesson where they benefit from a mixture of practical experiences, problem solving and formal written work, in order to cement their knowledge, skills and understanding in maths. We want every child to enjoy their maths and look forward to challenges; building on key skills and knowledge.

We encourage the children to work both independently and in cooperation with others; giving them opportunities to explore, find answers and think logically using mathematical language. Children are expected to justify their answers through oral and written methods. The children cover mathematical topics in depth; rather than accelerating through the curriculum; possibly missing essential parts of the learning sequences. We want the children to have in depth understanding through carefully crafted and sequences of lessons.

Haslington want the children:

  • To be confident using number, problem solving and reasoning skills
  • To enjoy maths; becoming confident, resilient and happy learners
  • Find patterns, investigate and explore different possibilities
  • To have positive attitudes to maths and feel that they have a sense of achievement
  • To work at their own pace through carefully planned and differentiated lessons


Maths is embedded into the curriculum and science where links can be made to develop further understanding for the children – Maths has a purpose.

In the EYFS; maths is a part of everyday learning with many learning opportunities provided for the children through play and focused activities. They use elements from the White Rose scheme which are carefully adapted to meet the children’s needs.

As a school, we use the White Rose Maths scheme. The scheme of work incorporates strategic ways to complete mathematical activities building on prior knowledge. This allows the children to build confidence in maths and develop long-term understanding.

The scheme challenges the children appropriately in year groups and builds on the pedagogy of maths that underpins the children’s understanding. To bridge gaps and enable children to make good progress. Work is repeated and reinforced at a deeper level; helping the children to become independent learners. The teachers ask probing questions to constantly assess understanding, building on the foundations of practical maths to be able to understand more abstract problems

We believe that reinforcement and embedding skills is the key to raising standards in maths. Each week the children complete questions based on the week’s learning as part of their homework.  The children work on these independently focusing on the strategies used during the lessons that week.

As part of daily Basic skills lessons, children complete a range of activities including mental maths questions that reinforce both concepts taught during lessons that week and previous topics, allowing them to embed their learning.  Children also learn times tables weekly and complete a weekly test where they try to improve on their own scores, in order to move on to the next times tables.

Times Tables Rock Stars is used to support the learning of Times Tables in Years 2-6 and our Early Years and Year 1 children use the NumberBots program.

Staff also use  Prodigy Maths games, a web based program that children can access at home. The tasks are set to match the learning that is taking place at school.


At the end of each unit of learning the children complete an end of unit assessment of learning. Each term the children also complete a termly assessments which are used to inform teacher assessment and are then recorded to show progress through the year.

Times tables scores are recorded each week to track progress on a weekly basis.

The children’s progress is recorded on whole school trackers which are then analysed. The senior management team hold pupil progress meetings each term to discuss the data and achievements of each class. Targets are then put into place; additional interventions and planning is added to the basic skills sessions to address misconceptions and improve standards.

The children know that there is a greater expectation on them – they can see how their hard work impacts on their understanding.

They are now:

  • Enjoying maths more
  • Collaborating, exploring and investigating – actively involved in the maths
  • Using practical equipment more confidently to gain a greater understanding of maths before it becomes more abstract
  • Children are happier to ‘have a go’.


‘I love doing maths now!’

‘I know that I can use equipment to help me if I need to.’

‘I enjoy maths more because I think I can do it!’

Useful links to support parents.

The children are taught in accordance with the National Curriculum; please use the following link to find out more about National Expectations for each year group.

Prodigy Maths Games. A web based program matched to the children’s learning in Class. All children have their own personal login for the program.