Year 5 is taught by our Vice Principal, Mrs Donnelly.

Mrs Donnelly has been a member of staff at Haslington Primary Academy since 2013. She is an experienced teacher, having taught for 20 years and brings a wealth of experience to our school. She strives to ensure children enjoy their learning as well as developing their self-confidence and self-esteem. She particularly enjoys teaching Mrs Donnelly is also responsible for PSHRE, Behaviour, Data and Assessment, English Lead and one of our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads.

Mrs Lockley is the Year 5 teaching assistant and has worked at Haslington since 2021. She enjoys a wide variety of subjects but more than anything else, she loves working with the children, ensuring they achieve their full potential. Mrs Lockley supports both in the classroom and works with small groups of children and one-to-one.


Each term we focus on a range of different units of work. You can find more information about what we are learning at the beginning of each term on the curriculum planners at the bottom of this page.


In Year 5, children will bring home weekly maths homework which will reinforce learning that has already taken in place in the classroom. This work will be sent home on a Thursday and is to be returned on a Monday. There will be a series of no more than 15 questions with space to work out the answers. If they complete their maths homework each week, they will receive an extra smiley.

Children will also be expected to read at home five times a week and complete two reading activities in their reading journals. The reading is to be recorded in the reading record book and the activities are to be completed in the reading journal. Doing both of these will earn them 2 extra smileys.

Spellings to practice are recorded in the reverse of the reading journal. These spellings follow the pattern or rule being taught in class each week. Children do not take part in a spelling test but they do carry out a range of activities to reinforce their learning.

During the half term holidays, children will be set half term projects to complete, based on their learning in class. Completing this will earn the children up to 3 smileys each. In the summer, our holiday homework usually consists of a Maths, English and topic based activity. For each activity completed, three smileys are earned with a bonus smiley for completing all three.

Please remember to check the Dojo page for regular updates and photos about what your child is learning in class and for whole school information.